Budget Estimate Report

Securing Your Investment

Exclusive Costings Add-on for Pre-Purchase Structural Surveys

At Property Health Check we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive structural surveys that empower our clients with vital information about their prospective properties.

Understanding the financial aspect of property repairs and upgrades is crucial for informed decision-making.

To enhance our service offerings, we’re excited to introduce our newly launched costings service ‘Budget Estimate Report’.

This service is available as an add-on when booking your Pre-Purchase Structural Survey or for clients that have previously booked a Pre-Purchase Structural Survey with us.

Budget Estimate Report Service Overview

The Budget Estimate Report service is designed to provide you with a clear financial breakdown in three key areas:

  1. Essential Structural Repairs
  2. Preventative Maintenance
  3. BER Upgrades

Benefits of the Costings Service

Informed Financial Planning: Our cost analysis assists you in understanding the financial implications of owning and maintaining the property.

Strategic Decision Making: With a clear view of the necessary investments for the property, you can make more informed decisions about your purchase.

Potential Long-term Savings: Understanding and addressing potential issues early can save significant costs in the future.

Man checking cost of house on calculator

Essential Structural Repairs:

This section of the report addresses immediate repair costs needed to rectify structural or urgent issues found during our Pre-Purchase Structural Survey.

This is a common query from banks as part of the mortgage process.

With our expertise, we provide you with an estimate of these costs, enabling you to plan financially and gain a greater understanding of your investment.

Male Engineer performing house survey

Preventative Maintenance:

We go beyond identifying current issues by forecasting potential future problems.

This section estimates costs for maintenance work that, while not critical at present, are essential for preventing long-term damage and costs.

Investing in preventative maintenance can significantly increase the property’s lifespan and value.

hands holding house with BER rating

BER Upgrades

In our commitment to sustainability, this section offers a cost analysis for necessary upgrades to achieve an improved Building Energy Rating (BER).

We detail the enhancements needed for energy efficiency and estimate the associated costs.

The long-term benefits of a higher BER rating, include reduced energy costs and enhanced property value.

Why Us?

  • Established and Experienced feature icon

    Established and Experienced

    Since 2001 we have provided property related engineering services to over 20,000 satisfied clients.
  • Excellent Communicators

    We are there for you every step of the way. From your first contact with Customer Care right through to our Engineering Team who provide advice and solutions for property queries.
  • Exceptional Service and Satisfaction

    Our Company and Team have more 5 star Google and Facebook reviews than all other Irish building engineering companies combined.
  • Forever Follow Up

    We will always listen and provide clients with direction on what they need to do.

Our Commitment:

At Property Health Check we pride ourselves on our meticulous attention to detail and our commitment to helping our clients make the best property investment decisions.

The Budget Estimate Report service is a testament to our dedication to providing services that truly cater to our clients’ needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve put together some common questions we get asked a lot. Just click on the questions to reveal the answers.